The Inspiration Behind the Book by Guest Blogger MK McClintock

I am excited to host a fellow Montana-based author, MK McClintock, on my blog.  McClintock is an entrepreneur, baker, photographer, tour host, reviewer, and multi-genre author. She was born on the west coast, but after less than eight years she left with her family to the Rocky Mountains. After more adventures around the country, business-college, and culinary school, McClintock found a place to call home in Montana.Over the years McClintock traveled the country and visited magnificent Scotland. She dreams of a time when life was simpler, the land rougher, and the journey more rewarding. With her heart deeply rooted in the past and her mind always on adventure, McClintock will always call Montana home.Please make her feel welcome.

Danica: Could you please tell us where you get your inspiration for Gallagher's Pride?McClintock:  Have you ever imagined another way of life? Have you ever dreamt of living in another time? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have an adventure that may seem completely out of reach?Chances are these questions inspire many writers and many books, but each of these is at the core of why I write and how Gallagher’s Pride, and the series, came to be. The story didn’t just come to me out of nowhere—it was nurtured by years of dreaming. Ever since I saw my first western movie, I thought how exciting and wonderful it would be to live that life. I had already begun reading historical romances long before this, but it was watching that first western that planted the seed in my mind about historical western romances.I allowed the seed to grow and the ideas to form until I no longer had thoughts churning around in my head. Instead I met the Gallagher family. I began to see their struggles and hard work. I felt their pain and joy, their sorrows and accomplishments. They became as real as the mountains and streams of Montana-they became family.

Then I met Brenna, a Scottish woman of undeniable strength and I fell in love with the Cameron family, just as I had the Highlands. It seemed so natural for Brenna to come from the land of my heart. I watched as she raced over the green hills on the back her mare, Heather. I felt the anguish at her loss and admire her strength for enduring and making a journey she knew had to be made.
As I walked along the Swan River or stood on top of Mt. Aeneas and looked out over the valley I call home, I knew the Gallaghers would find happiness and adventure in this remarkable place. I saw them build their ranch from nothing and bring a family into the world so that they may carry on the legacy. I knew their lives wouldn’t be easy, but I also knew they would find love and a reason to survive on this wild land.
As sure as I’m breathing, there was no way to stop the story from taking on a life of its own. The true inspiration behind the book is the Gallagher family. Without them there would be no story. They inspired me, not the other way around.
Danica:  I can certainly understand how you could find inspiration along the Swan River or on top of MT. Aeneas.  Thanks for sharing how you became inspired.  Your story is so lovely.  I'm sure I'm with my readers that we can't wait to read your book.  Talking about your book, where can we find Gallagher's Pride?
McClintock: Thank you all for your support.  If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to click on the links below.
Amazon Kindle LinkGallagher's Pride Book TrailerMK McClintock WebsiteMcClintock's BlogOr Find Her on Goodreads!Danica: Thank you so much for visiting my blog and sharing your work.  To my readers, please feel free to ask MK and questions you have.  She loves to her comments!