My Romantic Suspense Journey by Guest Blogger Trish Jackson

Danica: Today I have the privelege of sharing a little bit more about Romantic Suspense author, Trish Jackson.  Welcome, Trish.  Can you tell us about your experience writing Romantic Suspense?Trish: First, thank you Danica for inviting me to be a guest on you blog.
I write contemporary romantic suspense and romantic comedy.  My stories take place in our world as it is today. And they have an edge—blood, gore, and adventure mingle with sizzling hot love scenes. Add a dose of humor to the mix, and you get to experience a whole gamut of emotions—passionate heat, rolling on the floor laughter, and spine-chilling fear.
Stories have always been a part of my life—and I absolutely believe love and romance make the world go round.
There was no such thing as self-publishing or the Internet when I started writing my first novel. You had to submit your work to the various publishing houses, whose editors were like gods, and picked only a few manuscripts from the "slush pile"—the name they gave to the mountains of submitted works on their desks. "Expect rejections", writers were told. I did, and I handled them as graciously as I could—with muttering and foot-stamping.
Finally, in 2002, Publish America accepted my novel Way Out of Line. I was ecstatic—until I had a falling out with them over the ridiculously high retail price they set. I had signed over my rights for seven years and there was nothing more I could do—except keep writing.
In 2010, the world was a different place. The Internet, and the invention of eBooks had turned the publishing world upside down and put the power in the hands of the writers. No more slush piles.
I knew my novel, Redneck P.I. was good. I was sure others would love reading it, and I was overjoyed when eBook publisher Uncial Press accepted it, especially when I found I had an editor to help me hone the book into the great story it is today. It's about self-professed redneck, Twila Taunton, who has to choose between two sexy twins. She chooses Harland—kind of—and works for him in his P.I. business.  Her Harley-riding, weed-smoking great aunt Essie and her hacker-wizard neighbor Gasser Cunha help her bring a vicious killer to justice. Politically incorrect and a little crazy—definitely. Such fun to write!
As soon as my rights reverted back to me, I submitted Way Out of Line to Uncial Press. My editor, Jude, said she was so intrigued by the story that she read a hundred pages and totally forgot she was supposed to be editing. When she said it made her cry, I knew it was really good. I still cry every time I read the ending—and I know what's going to happen! It's a story about two kids from Texas who end up in the African wilderness, and love that has no bounds.
I've always loved animals, and in Kickassitude, the sequel to Redneck P.I., Twila is adopted by a dog named Scratch, who wears a black leather studded collar and rides on the back of her Harley. I also cry every time I read this one—and trust me—I have read it a gazillion times when editing. My publisher will release it in March 2013.
I'm currently working on Impassioned where small town Colorado veterinarian Riley Shaughnessy, who owns a palomino mare called Flight of Fancy, is forced to confront her darkest moments from the past. It is also a tear-jerker. I'm jazzed about it and spend every free moment getting an adrenalin rush working on it.

Danica: Could you tell us a little more about yourself?
Trish:  I grew up on a farm in Zimbabwe, Africa, and lived through many adventures that sparked my imagination, including having to keep a loaded UZI by my side every night in case of an attack by armed terrorists. I love animals and my grand children, and am happiest in my country home in Florida tapping out a new novel on my computer keyboard.
Twitter: @trishjaxon