When at events, I’m often asked what books I’m currently reading so I think it’s about time I share. Yeah!
Just like my taste in music, my literature collection is eclectic. I’m a serial reader, jumping between books and ideas based on what is happening in my day, week, and life in general. If you like my books, then you will probably like what I read, so check these books out! And don’t be afraid to reach out and let me know what you think!
Last week, I read the entire Deborah Harkness’ Discovery of Witches trilogy. This was totally different from my normal read as this series was more of a marathon than a sprint. Typically I like my books to be fast and action packed. These books, while not devoid of action, were more about world-building and empowerment. Love the premises and the writing was solid. Great read if you are wanting a full-immersion reading experience. What about the prequel, is it worth the read? Let me know!
This week, I’m currently reading two books. One is by a Bozeman, Montana author name Troy Kechely. His book is called Lost Horse Park. So far, I’m loving the tie-ins to all things Montana and the author’s authenticity. You can feel Montana in his writing. Best part? I actually laughed out loud while reading his book. Nothing garners looks from strangers like laughing in a quiet coffee shop. Thanks, Troy.
I’m also about halfway done with Thin Air, by Lisa Gray. This book is a great procedural and well-researched, but kind of a run-of-the-mill story. The mystery is complex, but I’m not quite done reading it…Hoping for some nice twists in the end that will drive my love for the book home. I am sure I won’t be disappointed.
Next up on my TBR list is The Secrets We Bury by one of my favorite authors, Debra Webb. If you haven’t read her stuff, I strongly recommend you pick her books up. She is a fellow Harlequin Intrigue author. After meeting her in person, I read her books and came to like her even more. Not only is she an amazing person, but also a tremendously talented author.
What did you think of these books? Which was your favorite? What are you reading? Any recommendations for me? I’d love to hear!
“A gripping read!”
-Sandra Brown, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author