
Night Owl Reviews: Winter Wonderland Giveaway

I'm super excited to be a part of Tammie King and Night Owl Reviews' Winter Wonderland Giveaway. I hope you find an abundance of awesome books as you search through the many great author's who are taking part in the giveaway.I wanted to take this chance to thank my fans (as well as give them a chance to win one of many of the prizes being given away by NOR). To do this, we have spent many an hour putting together the pictures fans have sent me over the years, pictures from events, and a few of my furry assitants too. I hope you enjoy, and one day I would love to add your picture to this awesome slideshow as well! Please feel free to send me a picture via Twitter or Facebook using @DanicaWinters !I love these pictures (thank goodness you guys are in them so I don't break the lens)! Next year, I will be at RT Booklover's Convention in Atlanta and at RWA in Orlando as well as ECWC in Seattle. I'm sure there will be many more events, but I would love to see you there--and maybe even get a picture together!Here's the giveaway information sent my way from NOR for the Winter Wonderland Giveaway:

Hi Night Owl Review Readers,
I've got a treat for you. I'm one of the sponsors of the Night Owl Reviews WINTER WONDERLAND Scavenger Hunt.
During this event I'm going to help you find some great new books. Make sure to check my featured title out along the way.
The grand prize is a $100 Amazon Gift Card. The total prize pool is over $900.
Enter Now at:

Good luck and have fun playing the game. And as always, thank you so much for being a fan. You are what keeps me writing!Danica Winters

Reader's Choice!

Exciting things are on the horizon and this is your chance to be involved.You may already know, but earlier this year I signed a three book contract with Harlequin Intrigue. (So cool, right?!) This awesome sauce would not have been possible without the support of you, my fans! After wracking my brain to find a way to thank you for all of your support and kind words, I decided to give back in a way that would give you the chance for your vote to be counted, and your voice to make it onto the page.If you couldn’t tell, I’m super stinkin’ excited about this, and I hope you are too.So, here’s the deal. Over the last few weeks I’ve been hitting my Facebook fan page and asking you guys to come up with the next heroine’s name (for book 3 in the Montana Heroes Series). I have picked the top names and now it’s your chance to pick the final name! Pretty cool, huh?So, here's your chance to make your mark in the world of romantic literature! Feel free to cast your vote!

A Little Extra Awesomeness

The first book in the Montana Heroes Series, Smoke and Ashes, is already available for pre-order on Amazon (to be released May 2016). Don’t forget to snag your copy!

Also, for those of you who will be attending the RT Convention in Las Vegas in 2016, I will be there and will be signing books. Hope to meet you there!

Amendment on 12/14/2015:

Just a quick note to let you know this contest has closed.

The official name you picked for the character is Alexis Finch!! Way to go, guys! I love this name. She's going to do you proud!


Naughty No No's Blog Hop

Naughty no-no'sAs romance lovers it can easily be assumed that we love those moments in life when our heart says YES, but our mind says No No!  Whether it is falling for the wrong man, or the right man at the wrong time (as in the short story Christmas Wishes--published September 25, 2013) there is something so tasty about the prospect of the forbidden! Christmas WishesWhat do you love that is forbidden (or at least a little naughty)? 

Here is my list of TOP 5 Naughty No-No's:

5. I'm new to the world of getting a tattoo. (What can I say, I missed it in my teens and 20s, but now that I check the new decades box I find that I want something that illustrates exactly who I am and what I believe!) Since getting my first I find that I want to keep going. People aren't kidding when they say it's addictive!

4. Reading late into the night. I find that, with a good book, I have little respect for tomorrow.

3. Wine is my nemesis. In fact, I would say Moscato is my favorite color. My only hope is that people are telling the truth when they say wine is linked to a decrease in heart disease--at least that way I can tell them I'm only concerned with my health! wine2

2. I LOVE truffles... Not low-fat, low-cal, cardboard-flavored skinny things like I should... no.. I love the melt-in-your-mouth straight-to-your-hips truffles!

1. I may be married, but I'm not dead.... In my household, we call the men I look at 'research models'. It is a hard life to have to look at the best looking men in the world and pick the best of the best, but I will take one for womankind. Today, this is my favorite. What do you think? Hot or not? Or, better yet, who is your favorite hottie (he may show up on the official Danica Winters Fan Page!)

 golden retriever manNow that you know my No-No's, what are yours? What are your naughty loves?a Rafflecopter giveaway