New Zealand

Island Bride Has Been Released!

Get ready to update your TBR list!! Island Bride has hit Amazon shelves!Island Bride_DWBlurb:Wedding planner to the rich and famous, Amy Oliver isn't the kind of woman to take a break even on a vacation. No, business first and then comes pleasure—or maybe not— she’d have to check her schedule.The only solace Amy ever finds comes from the pages of books and her friends within her book club, but when they lose one of their members they decide to check traveling off of their bucket lists. When Amy selects to take a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to New Zealand, she finds herself using the trip to put her career first. But when life gets in the way of her work, she is forced to decide whether to follow the path of least resistance or forge a new path--a path that may lead to heartache as easily as love. What is a driven woman to do?Check Island Bride out on Amazon! Review on Goodreads!Island Bride Excerpt:"While she waited in the New Zealand hotel’s bar for her assistant, Amy Oliver’s thoughts wandered to Jason. After a long day like this, she used to slip her fingers into his as soon as she sank into their bed. His fingers would collapse around hers, as if they had waited all day for her presence. Yet, the longer she held his hand, no matter how hard or how light her grip, the less and less she had felt his touch. Before long, just as she had lost the feeling of his fingers night after night, she had lost his love—even though their skins had been pressed together."Plus*I want to take this chance to let you know how much I appreciate your support in reading my books and leaving reviews! I write for the enjoyment of my readers. If you ever have questions/comments, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to connect with me via Twitter or Facebook or leave a comment. I LOVE my fans!Thank you,Danica Winters** Coming Soon!

------------------------------------------------------------June 9, 2014:Savannah Sacrifice (Nymph Series, Book 4)

Spring Fling Blog Hop

Welcome to my page! I'm so happy that you have decided to stop by. I have something extra special to share with readers! Today, I'm excited to reveal the cover for my next short story, Island Bride, to be released April 22, 2014.

Island Bride_Base

This contemporary romance is a funny, heart-felt look into the life of Amy Oliver, a wedding planner to the rich and famous. Amy isn't the kind of woman to take a break even on a vacation. No, business first and then comes pleasure—or maybe not—she’d have to check her schedule.The only solace Amy ever finds comes from the pages of books and her friends within her book club, but when they lose one of their members they decide to check traveling off of their bucket lists. When Amy selects to take a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to New Zealand, she finds herself using the trip to put her career first. But when life gets in the way of her work, she is forced to decide whether to follow the path of least resistance or forge a new path--a path that may lead to heartache as easily as love. What is a driven woman to do?What is the best vacation you have ever taken? Was it for business or pleasure? Are you a workaholic like Amy or a take-life-as-it-comes type of person?For my giveaway, I'm going to be offering a special gift package filled with a paperback copy of Christmas Romance and tons of swag! If you'd like to take part in my giveaway please use the special widget below. :) Have fun and again, thank you for stopping by! I hope you get the chance to read Island Bride after it is released!a Rafflecopter giveawaya Rafflecopter giveawayHappy reading,Danica Winters  **PS: Don't forget to leave a comment to be entered in the Grand Prize Giveaway for a Paperwhite Kindle or a $25 Amazon Gift Card!!