Fact and Fiction

Book Signing Event

I'm proud to announce that this Saturday the Romance Under the Big Sky writers group will be coming together under one roof to participate in a book signing event!

Support First Night Missoula

Saturday, December 1st
Support First Night Missoula
Authors Signing All Day at Fact & Fiction Downtown
Danica Winters
Rionna Morgan
Casey Dawes
Pam Morris
 All proceeds from this event will go to support Missoula First Night--a program that provides safe and fun events for local people and their families.
Kate Whittle of the Missoula Independent has kindly written an article in advance of the event, spotlighting Danica Winters and Montana Romance Writers.
 An Angel's Justice,to be released by BTGN December 2012
"...Danica Winters, who says finding your niche is an important part of becoming a successful genre writer. Winters would know: she's been writing paranormal romance for a few years, with published titles like Curse of the Wolf and The Nymph's Labyrinth, and can boast about making Amazon's bestseller lists.Haters can hate, but the romance novel industry—and it is an industry, with about $1.4 billion in sales in 2011—provides fun and escape for many readers, mostly women, while paying the bills for many authors, mostly women. Yes, romance novels are easy to make fun of, especially because our society loves to deride stuff that's for chicks.So let's dispense with the mockery, because romance authors face the same difficulty as everyone in a media-related job: The Internet has maximized our ability to create and share information, while devaluing creative work and imploding our paychecks. Winters says a book she released in May has already been pirated online at least 20,000 times, mostly by foreign websites..."
If you are interested is seeing the full article, please click here.
It is my sincerest hope, that I will see you at this event.  I will be there answering questions, signing books, but be prepared to laugh!
Thank you for your on-going support,
Danica Winters