Cover Reveal: Her Assassin for Hire (STEALTH Series, Book 3)


Drum roll…

Today’s the day when we get to see the cover for book 3 in the STEALTH Series, Her Assassin. for Hire

This book is an awesome next step in the STEALTH Series, and not to give away too many secrets, but…a former private military contractor actually helped edit (and tell me all the things that I was wrong about) when working on this book. This book is spot. on. And, by the time I was done making their corrections, my secretive friend ended up loving the book. They gave it two thumbs up (saying that they have thumbs is all they will permit me to put on the internet).

Ah, how cool are spec ops folks!

A bit more about Her Assassin for Hire:

He’ll do whatever it takes…and she knows it

Black ops assassin Eli Wayne may work for a company that cares only about money, but when Zoey Martin asks for his help following her brother’s disappearance, compensation is the last thing on his mind. With a multimillion-dollar bounty on Zoey’s brother’s head, though, they’ll have to fight to reach him before he’s killed—especially since Eli’s own company is after the money.


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