This winter has been busy, filled with the harsh beauty of a Montana snow-capped landscape. I, like so many of my readers, have found that I'm ready for spring to be upon us--complete with the frolicking of the birds, the buzz of insects, and the budding of the first flowers at our home, the glacier lilies. I find the lovely little blossoms like to come up just after the last bit of snow melts from the ground, leaving behind the fresh, fertile ground of the forest floor. I have to admit I'm always a little heartsick when I see them as I know their beauty, like so many things in life, is fleeting. Yet I know that they will soon be replaced by the beauty of another of my Montana favorites--the Alpine Lupines. As a child I remember playing with the soft seed pods, twisting them in my fingers like they were nature's gift to a precocious child.
I find myself this spring busier then I have ever been in my writing career. It feels like I'm not only stepping into the spring season, but also in the promising spring of what I hope to be a long career as an author. As of late, I have been teaching classes to new writers (you can see the slide-shows here: and, as part of my job with Books To Go Now, I have been helping authors learn new and creative ways to expand themselves in social media. It has been so much fun.As for my books, I have been diligently working away behind the scenes on the third book in the Nymph Series and have plans to write more within the series. My second book in the Nymph Series, Montana Mustangs, will be coming out for pre-sale in the next month! I am thrilled beyond words for this book (I know--hard for an author) to appear on the e-book shelf. As some of you may know, all of the Nymph Series books will also be not only making their way onto e-book shelves, but eventually they will all be available in paperback as well.I love talking with my followers and I would love to hear about your plans this spring. Are you going to be digging around in your garden soon? Hiking? Reading your favorite books?