Thrilled to Announce...

Image Courtesy of: Freedigitalphotos.netI'm so excited, I can barely contain myself. The time has come, the ink is dry, and I can finally share my secret. I'm proud to announce that I have signed a three book deal with Harlequin Intrigue!The first book will hit major book distributors in both mass market paperback and e-book, May 2016.This is a wonderful day in my writing career, one that I have been dreaming of since I first picked up the pen (or rather, the new laptop) some years back. Writing has always been a labor of love for me. Anyone who has met me, or seen me speak at a public event, has probably laid witness to the passion in which I carry for this sometimes daunting, and sometimes joyous, profession.There have been days in which I have laid on the floor in a heap of messy ugly tears just hoping and praying that someday something resembling this would come. It is beyond my wildest dreams that it has finally arrived.That being said, this day would have never arrived if it hadn't been for the wonderful support and love that I have received. With every book and every story, I have received kind words, letters, and notes from fans at home and across the world. Many of my biggest fans have even played major parts in shaping my books and the character's lives within their pages.To my wonderful fans, I'm humbled by your generosity of spirit. So, though this simply cannot be expressed adequately through a few simple words... Thank you. And please know, I write to bring you the happiness that you have brought me.~Danica Winters