The Nymph's Labryinth

A Writer's Dream...

I had to share a special event! Today I received this wonderful picture (sent to me by a wonderful librarian).

nymph's labryinth in library

To most people this would be just a simple book sitting on a library cart. Yet to me it means something else entirely. To me this picture symbolizes an extraordinary amount of hard work, sleepless nights, determination (that has bordered on obsession), and blind hopes.  It symbolizes many business trips, conferences, meetings, letters written, and letters received (not all of which were written in kindness).

To me this wonderful picture goes beyond just having a special place in my life. It also means that my books can have a special place in everyone's. And that, above everything else, is what is important to me.

When I began writing my goal was simple, to entertain. To bring joy to my fans.

To all my fans: Thank you for reading my books. Thank you for your love and support. Thank you for enjoying the books I have created just for you.

To all those wonderful Librarians: Thank you for your support! You are helping to create a literary world where all are welcome!

*If your local library doesn't have a copy of The Nymph's Labyrinth, all you need to do is request a copy and most will make it happen!